VW logo referenced as a quality logo on top 3 qualities for a logo on blog by Stellen Design Graphic Design and Branding Agency in Los Angeles

3 Qualities of a Great Logo

Your logo is a visual representation of your brand, why not have a great logo! It’s the symbol your audience will associate with who you are, and what your business represents.

There are three key qualities that make a logo great, and you should take these into consideration when you’re working with your graphic designer or branding agency to create one.

Colors for a logo by Stellen Design Graphic Design and Branding Agency Los Angeles

Quality 1: Color

Color triggers different emotions in people, and when chosen with care, color can communicate your brand’s personality to your customers.

For example, red is a color that is generally associated with energy, passion, and excitement. If your brand is playful, young, or bold then this is a great color choice for your logo. If, however, your brand is more professional, down to earth, or you want to convey trustworthiness then blue is a better color choice.

Consider basic color psychology when choosing your brand color and avoid simply choosing colors you like yourself.

Font Options for a logo by Stellen Design Graphic Design and Branding Agency Los Angeles

Quality 2: Font

Fonts are often the last thing people think about, but they do play a role in communicating your brand’s personality. When incorporating font into a logo, you should consider a few key points:

  • Is it easy to read.?
  • Does it scale well?
  • What brand values does it communicate?

Fonts are grouped into several different categories that communicate different values. For example, script fonts are seen as elegant, serif fonts are viewed as more traditional, and handwritten fonts can come across as informal or artistic.

Spend some time thinking about what your brand represents, and which fonts work best to communicate that.

Logo Marks for businesses by Stellen Design Graphic Design and Branding Agency in Los Angeles California

Quality 3: Symbol

The icon, symbol you choose is the final component to consider when designing a logo. Symbols can be used by themselves as a simpler version of your logo (think Nike’s swoosh, or the Apple logo), or they can be used as part of the whole to convey your brand identity. The provide a visual anchor and can communicate so much about what your brand stands for without saying a word.

For example, round or oval symbols tend to convey a feeling of being friendly, harmless, and inviting. Sharp or angular shapes can communicate power, intelligence and stability.

Taken together to create your logo, your color, font, and symbol choice can tell your audience more about your business than you think. Consider all three when designing your logo, and communicate your brand values to your designer to help them choose the best way to ensure this comes across.

Check out this more in-depth read on Medium.

Want some help on your logo? Let us know! We would love to help. Reach out to us here.

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Carolina Vangilder of Stellen Design Branding Agency in Los Angeles CA
Carolina Van Gilder
Project manager / Assistant
The coordinator, facilitator and scheduler for all Stellen Design projects. She communicates with clients about everything from contracts and payments to design edits and revisions. She helps keep the logistics on point so Stellen Design can live up to their reputation.
Réka Juhász (ray-ka u-has)
Contract Designer

Réka is a Hungarian-born, American-trained award-winning brand designer with over 12 years of graphic design experience. She loves to incorporate hand lettering, tactile elements, or letterpress into her work. She believes inspiration is all around us and that making brands look good is a worthy pursuit in life.

Jordis Smalls of Stellen Design Branding Agency in Los Angeles CA
Jordis Small
Creative Director
Jordis is a big believer in continued education. She makes it a point to attend at least four workshops or conferences a year to keep her skill improving. She is also a big advocate for “creative play” and loves to spend her spare time trying new things and learning new techniques.