Build My Brand

Brand Strategy & Brand Identity Design

Brand packages include both brand strategy and brand identity design. Our brand packages are tailored to driven entrepreneurs, start ups, and growth seeking businesses.

Our process is pragmatic

We start with a plan; a blueprint. We build from the ground up in a strategic manner laying a strong and foundation for your brand. Brands are not surface level and we build from the bottom up. We have a proprietary frame work and process to turn your idea into a profitable brand. Brand Strategy first, then brand identity.

The iceberg of brand identity
Stellen Design Discovery Phase featuring Creative Director Jordis Small with a magnifying glass

Phase 1: Brand Strategy & Discovery

  • We ask questions... some might not seem relevant, but trust us, these questions tell us a lot! We will guide you during our workshop sessions to find out what your brand should be or in the case of a rebrand, what needs to change.
  • We compiled our findings from the workshop with an audit of your industry to put together what is called a “discovery doc". This doc will serve as a roadmap for the creative process and make sure we are on the same page.
  • Brand Strategy ensures we are working towards your goal, solving your problem, and going to have a successful project.

Design phase of Jordis Small working on ACEQ logo for Stellen Design Branding Agency

Phase 2: Brand Identity Design

  • We start all our designs with rough hand sketches before moving to the computer and are open to share with you.
  • We make a mess (like the kid in art class with paint everywhere), then we pull out the best, we will present them with contextual applications. We trouble shoot your selected logo and make sure it will scale and work in all applications your brand needs.
  • During this phase we will be selecting fonts and colors for the brand and starting to see how everything will come together to form your brand.

Narrowing down logo for ACEQ with Jordis Small Creative Director of Stellen Design Branding Agency in Los Angeles CA

Phase 3: Expansion

  • We go back to our brand strategy work and pull out all our findings to turn that into your brand voice so you know not only how your brand will look, but how it will sound.
  • We build out all other creative deliverables like stationary, packaging, POP or marketing materials.
  • Throughout this step we reference our brand strategy to make sure we are on track for your brand.

Prop House Plants in San Pedro California Logo Design By Stellen Design Brand Design Agency in Los Angeles Ran by Brand Designer Jordis Small

Phase 4: Document & Deliver​

  • Just handing over a brand doesn't work for us. While we know how to utilize a brand, it's unfair to assume that you and your team will know the same. We create a detailed brand guide for you including all your brand strategy, all our branding work, and creative assets documented.
  • At the end of our engagement we will send you a link to download your files. We will have an official off boarding call to review the deliverables and make sure you feel confident in utilizing the brand!
  • You feel confident and are ready to share your kick ass brand with the world.

Brand Strategy & Brand Identity Deliverables

Brand Foundation

Mission, vision, purpose. We need to know what you do, why you do it and why it matters. If you don’t know your why, you will loose your way. This step is crucial for outlining goals and giving us a clear path to where we need to go.

Brand Personality

In order for your brand to take on a persona and become your number one sales person, we need to understand how your brand should act, sound, look and interact with your audience. What does your brand value? Giving your brand a persona allows other to rally behind your brand. 

Target Audience

Here we will define your primary and secondary customers, learn about their lifestyle, challenges and pain points. We conduct interviews with your audience to make sure we are working off facts and not assumptions.  This step ensures we are making connections and building a loyal fan base with the right people.

Creative Discovery

Our creative discovery will outline creative suggestions that are a visual encapsulation of your brand’s voice, tone, look and feel. This essential step will help us set the direction for the visual identity. This document will serve as a reference point to ensure we are on the same page before creative work begins.

Logo Design & Indenity

This is where we shine. Our super power is turning all our findings into a visual representation of your brand that will lead to profitability. We will start with your logo (the face of our business), then fonts, colors, design assets, and eventually marketing materials so show everything working together as your brand. 

Brand Guide
To help ensure brand consistency, we’ll craft a living document containing guidelines for the brand. We include key branding take aways, brand voice, logo usage, color palette, typography, photography style and integration, and all supporting elements.

Brand Collateral

We price all projects individually. Every project requires a unique set of deliverables based on the clients needs. Here is a list of common collateral included in our packages:
  • Business Card
  • Brochure
  • Email Templates
  • Social Media Branding
  • Social Media Templates
  • Interior & Exterior Signage
  • Press Kits
  • Vehicle Wraps
  • Environmental Design
  • Way-finding Signage
  • Course Templates
  • Packaging
  • Web Banners / Ads
  • Stationery
  • Service Menus

“10/10 experience! The whole team was awesome, super simple and streamlined to work with, and I am left absolutely stoked with the results. thank you!”

Josh Church
Edge Theory Labs, California


All our brand projects are customized to your feeds as far as timeline and deliverables. Most packages can be executed in 6-16 weeks.

After our engagement...

Let's keep the party going!
  • Retainer Clients: Become a retainer client of Stellen Designs and you will have time on our calendar every month! We act as your internal design team giving up top quality work at the fraction of the cost of hiring a full time employee. We work with brands like California Pizza Kitchen and Juice It Up! on a retainer basis. Retainers start at 1,000 a month but space is limited. If you want to know more, just let us know and we can send you our retainer packages.
  • Per Project: We can also accommodate one-off projects for brand clients. One-off projects require a two weeks notice prior the start date of your project so we can check our calendar and plan accordingly.

But does it REALLY work?

We have case studies to prove it!
Live Boldly Coaching
Where she was
re-branded to
Sara Schulting Kranz
Where she is now

Want to Know More?

Our Work


Brand Strategy
Brand Identity
Logo Design

The Sunshine Store

Brand Identity
Logo Design

Fox & Farrow

Brand Identity
Logo Design
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Carolina Vangilder of Stellen Design Branding Agency in Los Angeles CA
Carolina Van Gilder
Project manager / Assistant
The coordinator, facilitator and scheduler for all Stellen Design projects. She communicates with clients about everything from contracts and payments to design edits and revisions. She helps keep the logistics on point so Stellen Design can live up to their reputation.
Réka Juhász (ray-ka u-has)
Contract Designer

Réka is a Hungarian-born, American-trained award-winning brand designer with over 12 years of graphic design experience. She loves to incorporate hand lettering, tactile elements, or letterpress into her work. She believes inspiration is all around us and that making brands look good is a worthy pursuit in life.

Jordis Smalls of Stellen Design Branding Agency in Los Angeles CA
Jordis Small
Creative Director
Jordis is a big believer in continued education. She makes it a point to attend at least four workshops or conferences a year to keep her skill improving. She is also a big advocate for “creative play” and loves to spend her spare time trying new things and learning new techniques.