Stellen Design using an image of a Surf Coffee Logo for How Much Should a Logo Cost

How Much Should A Logo Cost

Wondering how much should a logo cost?

Your logo is your identity. It’s the first thing a potential customer sees, and the thing with which they’ll associate your business. It’s critical to get it right – to have it be truly representative of you and your business, and memorable for all the right reasons.

A good logo isn’t something you should skimp on. But what makes a good logo and how much should a logo cost?

A logo that hits all the marks, is designed and created professionally, and can serve all of the needs of your business won’t be cheap, nor should it be. It’s a big deal. Think about your business, if you moved location or opened a second location, your logo is the only thing telling your customers “this is the same business”. Think about if Burger King opened a new location and didn’t use their logo, instead they used a script font and wrote “Burger King”… their customers would be very confused. 

Logo costs can run anywhere from $300 up to $100,000… so how much should you pay or expect to pay for your logo??

So why the variance in logo cost? It depends.

Who’s designing the logo? What are you getting with it? What should you be expecting? These are just some of the questions that will determine how much your logo will be. But remember, a logo done right the first time is an investment that can potentially span the life of the business. Getting it right the first time could save you the time and head ache of having to re-do it a year or two into business. 

If you break down the cost you are paying for logo over the lifespan of your business, even if you pay top dollar, it’s still well worth the value it will bring to your business. We don’t blink an eye at $120 phone bill… but if you pay $1,500 for your logo… that is about the same as your phone bill for the year and the good news is, after a year you get to keep the logo! The rest of your years in business are just solid brand equity! That is the deal of a lifetime!

DIY – Free

I don’t recommend a DIY logo. It’s easy to be lured by a DIY logo builder or using that additional “Logo Design” feature of the DIY website you are building. Don’t let the DIY programs out there or the “free” logo creators (which will allow you to design for free but then make you pay in order to download the design you’ve created) convince you that you’re a designer. It may look nice to you and it may be fun, but because of limited templates and styles you run the very real risk of having a generic logo that is neither memorable, nor really what you want. Remember, with templated stuff, you are not the only one using it. The last thing you want is a logo you are “okay” with that looks similar to everyone else’s. 

In business I always suggest to stay in your lane, I won’t try to file my own taxes… that is my CPA’s job, so unless you happen to be a graphic designer, hire a pro to help. 

Online / Overseas designers $150 – $300

There is a hand full of websites out there, UpWork, 99 Designs, Fivveer… all of which are a market place for pairing designers with clients. The draw back is most of the designers are overseas or under experienced. You can and will get a smoking deal on these sites. I just like to forewarn folks, you get what you pay for. While these designers are often very talented, there can be a language barrier and different time zones that make communication tough. 

Designers on these sites are often not experienced in brands or brand development so they are just running off your lead and not providing valuable input to your brand as a whole. The only time I have seen a successful logo come off one of these sites was when the person hiring the designer had a marketing degree and knew exactly what he wanted for his brand. 

This method might take you a few tires of working with different designers before you get something you like. You could end up getting to the cost of working with a freelancer. 

Be aware you might also be missing out on receiving different layouts of your logo! Read about a proper logo set here, that way you know what to ask for. 

We totally understand it, sometimes you are boot strapping when starting a business and just need something to slap on an invoice with your business name. These sites can be great for a “band aid” logo to float you until you get funding and can invest in your brand and get a logo to last the long haul. But in the grand scheme of things, you should pay more for your brand logo than the cost of a trip to Target. 

Freelance Designer – $1500 and up

Designers with limited experience or with a smaller portfolio may charge at the lower end of the spectrum, while experienced designers can charge upwards of $2,500-$5,000, sometimes more. The more experience they have, the less you’ll have to be involved in the design process as they’ll be able to anticipate your needs and offer solid advice and service. They’ll also be able to give you a clear idea of what you’ll get and how long it will take. A good designer is a problem solver, hire them and let them come up with a visual solution for your business. 

Someone with less experience may be more challenging to work with unless you have an incredibly clear vision of what you want. That’s the challenge with freelance designers – a wide range of experience. You’ll have to do more research and vet their designs more carefully.

If you can get a referral from someone, great, but you should still do your due diligence and ensure the person you’re working with understands your brand, your vision, your style, and your needs. Always ask for portfolio work and make sure you like their specific style. If their style is not what you are looking for, move on and find someones style that aligns with your business. It will make for a more successful project all around. 

Boutique Design Agency – $10,000 +

If you’re not interested in messing around with design or wasting your time on a lot of back and forth, a design agency may be the right option for you. Not only will you have access to design experts who can guarantee high quality designs, but you’ll get a robust and complete branding package with design elements created for literally every option you can think of.

A good agency will even conduct market research and analyze your competitors before presenting you with a range of design and color options. You should still do your research when selecting an agency to work with, but know that when you decide to invest, your bases will be covered – you won’t just have a logo, but a complete brand.

$50,000 + Large advertising agency / expert:

In 1986 Steve Jobs hired Paul Rand (a renowned graphic designer) to create the logo for his computer company Next. Paul charged Jobs $150,000 for 1 logo with no revisions or changes… that was in 1986 so you can only image what Rands pricing would be today!

When asked why he doesn’t give options Rand said, “You don’t go to your Dr. and ask him for options to cure your illness. He gives you a solution, I am going to solve your problem.”

Remember, with large agencies while you will get quality work their pricing is hight to cover the overhead of the business. Smaller firms often have just as qualified designers but can work with lower budgets since they don’t have such high overhead!

How much should a logo design cost on what is logo design an article by LA branding Agency Stellen Design

Remember when hiring a logo designer, go with the person who understands your vision and who’s style resonates with you most! Price should not be the sole factor.

No matter which option you choose, be sure that you have access to the following upon delivery of your logo:

  • Hi-res vector formats (for printing)
  • Web-optimized formats (for social media and digital)
  • Full copyright and ownership (make sure you are not leasing your logo)

If you have any question on how much you should be paying for a logo please reach out to us! We are always happy to help by sending you a custom quote or pointing you in the right direction for your brand!

Looking for more info on Logos? Give this a read! 

Want to check out our logos? View our logo portfolio here.

Stellen Design Blog Pinterest Post on How Much Should a Logo Cost

Check out this medium article on  Common Logo Design Oversights May Be Making Your Business Look Amateur

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Carolina Vangilder of Stellen Design Branding Agency in Los Angeles CA
Carolina Van Gilder
Project manager / Assistant
The coordinator, facilitator and scheduler for all Stellen Design projects. She communicates with clients about everything from contracts and payments to design edits and revisions. She helps keep the logistics on point so Stellen Design can live up to their reputation.
Réka Juhász (ray-ka u-has)
Contract Designer

Réka is a Hungarian-born, American-trained award-winning brand designer with over 12 years of graphic design experience. She loves to incorporate hand lettering, tactile elements, or letterpress into her work. She believes inspiration is all around us and that making brands look good is a worthy pursuit in life.

Jordis Smalls of Stellen Design Branding Agency in Los Angeles CA
Jordis Small
Creative Director
Jordis is a big believer in continued education. She makes it a point to attend at least four workshops or conferences a year to keep her skill improving. She is also a big advocate for “creative play” and loves to spend her spare time trying new things and learning new techniques.